Legislative Framework
Legislative Framework for Regional Development Funds
Law 2218/1994 (Government Gazette 90A / 13-6-1994) “Establishment of Prefectural Local Government, amendment of provisions for the primary and regional authorities and other provisions”, as amended and in force.
- Law 3852/2010 (Government Gazette 87Α / 7-6-2010) “New Architecture of Local Government and Decentralized Administration – Kallikratis Program”, as amended and in force.
Ministerial Decision 2141/1998 (Government Gazette 78Β/4-2-1998) “Financial Management and Management Regulation of the Regional Development Funds”, as amended and in force.
Ministerial Decision 4683/1998 (Government Gazette 140Β / 18-2-1998) “Staff Regulations of the Regional Development Funds”, as amended and in force.
Law 2362/1995
(Government Gazette 247A / 27-11-1995) “On Public Accounting, Control of State Expenditure and Other Provisions”, as amended and in force.Law 3871/2010 (Government Gazette 141Α /17-8-2010) “Financial Management and Responsibility”.
Presidential Decree 113/2010 (Government Gazette 194Α / 22-11-2010) “Undertaking by the Authorizing Officers”.
- Ministerial Decision 23979/DE264/2013 “Arrangements for reallocations of Collective Decisions of the Public Investment Program and more specific regulations of the Regional Public Investment Program”.